Wednesday, July 29, 2009


None of the words I can use to describe my feeling towards this song. I just love it very much.

I would like to dedicate the song to :

智婷 - 谢谢你把我带进"神思者"的音乐世界里。当我第一次听到你在电台播放这支音乐时,我就深深的被他们的音乐感动。我很高兴能认识到一位像你那样热爱文字和音乐的知音人。

LH - 谢谢你多年来一直热心的帮助我,陪我走过生命的低潮。你总会在我向你求助时,伸出援手扶我一把。你是我生命中的贵人。你没欠我什么,我倒是不停地向你讨债。我真的欠你很多很多。

Joe - 谢谢你在这么多个月以来,在我的生活里扮演一个很重要的角色。你天使般的笑容,诚恳的双眸,仿佛透视我的心事。而当我最想念你的时候,你总会出其不意的站在我的面前。我希望你会听见/看见我想对你说的话。

Steven Lee - You are such a nice guy, friendly, warm and helpful. You always wear a smile on your face when I see you every time. I am happy and comfortable being with you all the time. It's a pleasure to know you.

Audrey - You are a good listener and always be there for me. You are talented, sensible, warm and courageous. You are my great buddy!

Chris - Thanks for loving my blog. I did not know you can not read Chinese and you used google translator to translate all my posts line by line into English for your easy understanding. You are a very nice guy. You impressed me to keep blogging. You always give me your great support! I like your sincerity and warmth.



  1. ahhh! That's a nice tune, really warms the heart. Thank you so much! Brightens up my day! Edward, you're the angel from heaven I tell ya that :-)

  2. Auds, you're the angel in my life too. You inspired me a lot in becoming myself and how to live out my dreams. Thanks again.:-)

  3. well, i have always shown an interest in learning chinese but when the time came for it, i was a tad too late. i am trying my best to rememeber the simpler chinese characters whenever i can. for now, i'll just stick to using g-translator! i read your blog because poetry intrigues me, i write too but i don't like to share for fear of being judged ha ha ha ha!

  4. Chris,

    When you believe, it is never too late to learn Chinese. I like poetry too. When I started this blog, I had the fear of being judged. Later on after you left me a message, I decided to keep writing. I'd love to read your poetry one day. Please tell me when you are ready to share it. Thanks!

